Fright Vision 2000 April 1st Akron Ohio I met the B9 Club and that was it ...........
Fright Vision is a Sci-Fi show where you meet the stars from your favorite horror movies and science fiction shows. Different vendors are there selling model kits and all kinds of collectibles. Well I walked in to one room and before me stood atleast 10 full sized robots. Needless to say, that was the start of my quest for my robot. The next three months were spent talking to the members on the club and getting the feel for what I would need to start and complete this project. The first thing I ordered was a great book called " You can build the Lost In Space Robot" by Flint Mitchell. After reading this book you really see how this big fella can come together. The one thing I should have done was buy a set of blue prints by member Dave Painter they have most of the specs you need to build from there I still feel that I'm going to get a set for myself.
Join the Club ................. It's FREE
I know here he goes talking about that club again YEP and I'm telling you it's the best resource for info you can find. All the members are willing to help and they are all a great group of people. And ladies, don't be afraid to jump on in. We have a few lady members and they are doing a fantastic job putting their B9's together.
I also collect autographs ! I'm looking for a Guy Williams signed photo from Lost in Space any help would be appreciated.
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